Thursday, June 6, 2019

Retiring Sale from KellyBell Designs

So it’s finally happened, the thing Kelly’s been dreading for a while; her server is at capacity. That’s right, too many products. It’s time to have a cleaning out the server sale. What better day than Memorial Day to memorialize these kits and all the previously retired products with a huge sale.

This time will be different than past vault sales. Usually Kelly retires a kit and adds it to the Vault taking it out of normal availability and then from time to time ”opens” the vault for  loyal customers to have a second chance to acquire kits that have been previously retired.  Now that the server is full all those goodies can’t be saved in the vault for you. She has to say goodbye and permanently delete everything in the vault as soon as the sale is over. So this go round if there is any product that you were undecided on you should definitely snatch it up this time. Make sure to really look thru everything so you don’t miss a diamond in the rough.
These newly retired kits can be found in the Retired category in the shop.

The previously retired products can be found, for the very last time, in the Retirement Vault category.

All of those items will be 65% off until June 9th.
On June 10th all of the retired and vault kits will be permanently deleted.
Here are previews of the kits being permanently retired:
We cannot stress this enough!
As of June 10th all of these kits & their coordinating products as well as all the previously retired products in the Vault will be permanently deleted off the server. Don’t miss out on this LAST chance to add them to your collection!!

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